Keep Learning about Writing

I know you read the title and thought, ‘Okay Carmen don’t get too preachy.’ I promise I’m here to inspire, not lecture.

I just want you to know that one of the many ways to keep growing and glowing is to keep learning about your craft and your industry. There are so many ways to do that.

You can take classes for starters. No, this doesn’t mean you need a degree necessarily. You can take a course through Masterclass, Khan Academy (which I believe is free) or seminars in your community (libraries or local colleges have them you can audit for free).

Immerse yourself in the community in person or online. For writing, I personally fell in love with the #writingcommunity on Twitter. There are online communities for pretty much every interest/profession. Read publications on what is going on in your field. Being involved in a community of like-minded peers is import and because you will learn so much from them. You never know of the advice you will receive or the events you will find out about because of it. Also, when it’s time to sell your book these are the people who will be there cheering you on and supporting you.

You may have been pursuing your passion for years and have a degree or two under your belt, but if you graduated thinking you knew it all, they failed you. There is always something to new to learn about it, even if it’s just a new type of software that can make writing easier in some aspect.

Don’t limit yourself to what you know today. There is so much more knowledge waiting for you.

How do you stay in the know when it comes to writing? Let me know in the comment section below.

Never Stop Dreaming

3 thoughts on “Keep Learning about Writing

  1. I love the writing community on Twitter. I love the support of the community. I like to read blogs and take online courses to help keep me fresh on writing.


    1. Have you tried MasterClass? I love it. I want to do the year long pass but before I start I need to get to a better flow with my writing schedule.

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